Hey so I am writing on time this time. Last week we didn´t get back into my area till really late and I didn´t have time to write.
Here is another picture of pretty flower that I found around here.
And here is just a random picture of Me and Elder Sosa at a District Meeting.
Ya Mom I would be scared to buy that haunted house, there are probably ghost. It is really close to the church though.
I keep forgetting all of the birthdays!!! The time here is just going by too quick and the only dates I think of are those when people can be baptized on. Sorry. As far as your prayers, Margarita can use them. She is the wife of Ivanio. She likes the church and everything but doesn´t like commitments. Also Amilkar. He is the husband of the daughter of Ivanio. They are all awesome people.
Dad the house is to the other left at the intersection. At the intersection to the left again and that is the house with the red roof. It doesn´t really matter though because next week we are moving again to a nicer house. It is about a block south and 3 blocks west. Around there.
So I got your package and it is the greatest ever. It has all of the things I have been craving. You nailed all of the perfect stuff. I have already gone to town on it. No one here has ever heard of nor has known of beef jerky so my comp likes it a lot haha. I am making those mashed potatoes as soon as possible. Wow it is really really great, Thank you very very much!!!!
Dad the Pinolillo is supposed to be like that. It floats and that is one that too can give you a sore throat if you are not careful. Ivanio gives us that every time we visit him with bread. Maybe you should try some bread with it haha. But ya it just floats up there and there is a clump at the bottom, always.
We went and did some more tree climbing today for Pday so that was a lot of fun. I have a bunch of ants all over me though now. They are all over.
I have been reading a lot of General Conference talks lately and it is really awesome. My goal is to read all of the conferences. Of course it won´t be possible here in the mission but afterwards. I also have a big list of books by prophets and apostles I will be buying over time. But there is a seventy that always reminds me of you Dad. His name is Jose A. Teixeira. You will have to see his picture haha.
Well I am having a lot fun here and it is so great to have this small amount of time to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the loving people of Nicaragua. It is such a great opportunity and I am loving every single minute of it. I love you all lot and lots.
Enterprise Hearts,
Elder Ochs
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